Deserts of the Yazd region

The deserts of the Yazd region

Among the various tourist sites in Iran, even the desert has a special attraction. The desert attractions of the Yazd region can be taken into consideration according to two itineraries. The first begins in Yazd and passes through the ancient Fahraj Mosque, on the edge of the desert, to the city of Bafq; the second consists of the axis Yazd, Kharanaq, Biyaze and Khorbiyabanak which is a place where you can aim a series of sand dunes, covered by bushes and plants typical of the desert flora. Among the attractions of this area must also mention the presence of an olive tree that is more than one thousand years old.

The other desert areas of the Yazd region are:
- Ardakan and Siyah Kuh: this desert that has a surface in the shape of a horseshoe, is located north-east of Ardakan, between the two mountains of Harash to the south and Siyah Kuh to the north;
- Abarqu and Tagestan: the desert area of ​​Abarqu has a circular shape and, located between two mountain ranges, is located a short distance from the Tagestan desert. Also in the village of Abarqu is the famous millennial Cypress, today protected by the Organization for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage of Iran. According to experts, it is the oldest living being in the world, with an age of 4000 years.
- Daranjir: this desert, with an area of ​​about 750 sq km, is located in the eastern part of the region.

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