Science and technology in Iran: In Iran, the percentage of population over the age of six to be considered literate, she has grown rapidly in the last twenty years, touching the 87,6% in the 2016.
In Iran, elementary education is compulsory by constitutional dictation, and the whole course of education is free except in private schools and universities. The Elementary cycle lasts six years, followed by three years of middle school and three years of secondary school. Children enter First Class at about seven years.
Higher education schools have ancient roots in Iran. In fact, they affirmed themselves strongly in the era of the Sassanids (III-VII century AD), after the establishment of centralized institutes in the cities of Riv Ardeshir and Jondi Shahpour in the year 241 d. Thanks to the importance attributed in those days to medical education, and to the use of the scientific experiences of Greeks, Indians and Persians, these two cities soon became centers of extreme importance and prestige.
With the advent of Islam, starting from the seventh century, and especially from the ninth century, other scientific centers also expanded and developed promoting different specializations, within the framework of an offer of education extended to the entire population.
The maktab ("schools"), the mosques, the clinics, the pharmacies, the universities, the schools of philosophy, the libraries and the observatories, flourished everywhere in the country, and in particular in the major cities: remember for example the Observatories of Maraagheh, Ologh-beyk, Rob'e Rashidi.
In more recent times, in the era of scientific and technological conquests of the West, the Prime Minister of the Qajar Amir Kabir he founded a modern institution such as the Daar ol-Fonoun (in Persian language دارالفنون - polytechnic institute).
It was the year 1948; shortly thereafter, while many scholars carried out refresher travel abroad and foreign teachers were called to lecture in Iran, new centers of higher education were created in the cities of Tabriz and Urumieh.
The Universities of Teheran, Mashhad, Isfahan and Tabriz officially entered into operation starting from the 1934. With the establishment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in the 1967, the state and private universities and other centers of higher education received a more uniform structure.
The most prestigious universities are, besides the University of Tehran (1932), Sharif University or Sharif University of Technology, the University of Esfahan (1950) and the University of Shiraz (1945).
University of Tehran (UT) (Persian: دانشگاه تهران, Dāneshgāh Tehrān) It is the oldest and largest educational, scientific and research center in Iran and so called (Mother University). UT It was officially opened in 1937 as a state university. UT's main campus is located in the heart of Tehran, ie Enghelab Avenue. Other UT-affiliated university colleges, faculties, research centers and institutes are located in other parts of Tehran. The university has over 1.500 teachers, 3.500 staff members and about 39.000 students to which 340 foreign students are added; offers 16 types of degrees, 160 masters and 120 types of PhDs.
Sharif University or Sharif University of Technology (Persian: دانشگاه صنعتی شریف - Dāneshgāh-e San'ati-ye Sharif) is an Iranian university for engineering and physical sciences in Tehran.
Under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education and the Ministry of Health, non-profit and non-governmental universities were also founded. Several hundred foreign students are enrolled in the various IS institutes of Iran, most of whom come from Muslim countries. The Ministry provides Persian language courses with Iranian teachers. The same Dicastery manages branch offices of the Iranian universities in other member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (oic).
The annual Kharasmi International Festival (dedicated to Abu Abdollah Mohammad Bin Musa Kharasmi, a famous mathematician who lived between 1987 and 780 AD) is held every year in January: a committee of judges selects the inventors, innovators and researchers of relevance for the awarding of various prizes. Every year, but in August, the International Scientific Olympiad is held in Iran for university students of different Faculties (Theology and Science and Islamic Culture, Persian Language and Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering, Mathematics) coming from from the countries of the oic. in addition, the Islamic Nobel Prize is held in Iran, 'Mustafa Prize'.
The Ministry of Culture and IS is a member of UNESCO, of the twnso (Third World Scientific Organizations Network), of the twas (Third World Science Academy), of the comstech (Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation), of the comsat (Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South), and is active in cooperation between countries in the South of the world, in particular with other Muslim countries.
The data confirm the survey of the Bloomberg Global Innovation Index for which the Islamic Republic, among the 128 countries of the world, occupies the second place for number of graduates in science and engineering, the fourth in tertiary education, the 41 ° for the general infrastructures and the 48 ° for human capital, rose from 34 ° to 16 ° place for number of scientific publications.
According to Scopus, a database of abstracts and citations for articles from research-related publications, in 2016 Iran ranked first in the growth of scientific article production. All while in 2012 the country only occupied 10th place. The contribution of Iran in scientific production reached 2,4% in 2016 compared to that of 1,4% in 2012. In 2016, Iran recorded a growth of 20% in the drafting of articles published on the website of the ISI ".
In recent years, 2.700 highly innovative companies have been born, for a total value of 6,6 billion dollars. At this point, the large industry in the energy, automotive and steel sectors should invest more in innovation, completing the virtuous process that has been underway for years in the country.
Between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries one of the most distinguished figures in science was the math Maryam Mirzakhani, who in the 2014 was the first woman to win the Fields Medal, one of the highest international recognition in the field of mathematics.
- University of Teheran
- Sharif University of Technology
- Shahid Beheshti university
- Amirkabir university of technology
- Iran University of Science and Technology
- Alzahra university
- Tarbiat Modares university
- Imam Khomeini International university
- University of Isfahan
- Payame Noor university
- Tabriz University
- Shiraz university
- Shiraz University of Technology
- Jundy Shapur university
- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad