Minaret of the Jām'eh mosque in the city of Khāsh

The minaret of the Jām'eh mosque in the city of Khāsh

The minaret of the Jām'eh mosque in Khāsh is located in the city of the same name (region Sistān and Baluchestān) and dates back to that time Qajar. The original building of the mosque was built in the year 1307 of the solar Hegira.

This building includes two main parts: the mosque and the annexed minaret. The mosque includes a complete covered environment whose covers were made on sixteen columns and each four form four arches that gave life to one Shabestan colonnade and covered and every two columns to provide the light necessary for the prayer room, a window was placed.

The minaret of this tall and elongated mosque is inspired by traditional Iranian architecture and has a cylindrical spiral shape and the finest brick decorations in the region.

An inscription in brick in the trunk of the minaret has conferred a particular beauty and authenticity to the building and shows the year of construction or its restoration. This minaret which bears the phrase "La Allah Ala Allah" was made with hard and resistant bricks, mortar, sand, lime and stucco. This minaret is accessed from the interior space of the mosque and after ten steps you reach the roof.


Sistan and Baluchistan -26

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