The historic building of Chelpi Oughli
This two-storey building is located five hundred meters southwest of the Soltaniye archaeological area on the Khoda Bande road. Archaeologists and researchers attribute this construction to Soltan Chelpi. The complex consists of a khanqah (a sort of convent for the dervishes) and a mausoleum.
The Mausoleum of Soltan Chelpi presents a very interesting arrangement of the tombs, the sepulcher of the Sufi master is placed in the center and in circle his disciples are buried according to their rank and the degree of mystical learning achieved.
The Historic Laundry Building: located in the famous Baba Jamal Chuquri district in the town of Zanjan. This structure consists of two departments: one was dedicated to the management and management of the historic laundry, while the other consisted of several rooms used for washing.