Ashuradeh- Bandar-e Torkaman Island

Ashuradeh- Bandar-e Torkaman Island

Ashuradeh Island is located in the center of the Miankale Peninsula west of Bandar-e Torkaman (Golestan region) and is considered the only Iranian island on the edge of the Caspian Sea. This, from the historical point of view, enjoys a lot of importance and in different eras has played a significant role in the history of Iran and the area.

The island enjoys a mild climate and is covered with plants such as: tamarisk bushes, a type of wild nettles, sour pomegranate trees and on the island there are animals such as hyenas, foxes, rabbits, fish, pheasants, partridges and birds marini and here also live the wild boar and a kind of wild horse.

Alongside the natural beauty, Ashuradeh has a few historic buildings; among these we can remember the remains of Safavid fortresses, the castle of the Russians, the house of the Russian plenipotentiary minister and the wooden church - a reminder of the period of occupation of the island by Russian forces.

Until the flood of the year 1993, the island had about 1000 inhabitants and was equipped with a school, shops, the rural cooperative and the activities necessary for daily life; however today it is not completely deserted since the workers of the Shilat (Iranian State Fisheries Organization) live here and 40% of Iranian caviar comes from the surroundings of this island.

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