The new edition of the Persian - Italian Vocabulary

The new edition of the Persian - Italian Vocabulary


The new edition of the Persian - Italian Vocabulary
Original title: فرهنگ واژگان فارسی ایتالیایی
Author: Alessandro Coletti- Hanne Coletti Grunbaum
Original language:
Publisher: Istituto Per Oriente
Year of publication: 2022
Number of pages:


Formally published in 2021, but actually available in 2022, here is the Persian-Italian Vocabulary for scholars, created by the talented Coletti spouses, typographically composed (and no longer typed), thanks to the revision and enrichment work of a coordinated staff by Prof. Paola Orsatti, Iranian expert at Sapienza-University of Rome and her colleagues Melissa Fedi and Federica Ponzo.


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