Archeology in Iran in the 21st century

past developments, future strategies, research priorities.

Conference of Dr Rouhollah Shirazi
Director of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research,
Research Institute for Cultural Heritage and Tourism,
Islamic Republic of Iran

The conference aims to offer students of courses in Iranian archeology and oriental disciplines in general, as well as to the public of the city of Ravenna, a presentation of how the new Directorate of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, the Iranian governmental body for the coordination of activities archaeological sites in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran, evaluates the work carried out over the last twenty years and how it intends to plan future developments, also to assess the role that collaboration on the ground with the Department of Cultural Heritage has had since 2005 and will have in the future.

Order date:

30 / 05 / 2019 FROM 15: 00 TO 17: 00


 Department of Cultural Heritage, Conference Room, third floor, via degli Ariani, 1 Ravenna

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