3 February 20187 July 2019 Staff Qom The province of Qom is located near the central desert of Iran and south of the capital. The regional capital and its most important inhabited center is the holy city of Qom. The other major cities in the region are: Salafchegan and Qanavat. More InformationFeaturesMausoleum of Fatima MasoumehJamkaran MosqueGreat Bazaar Covered with QomFeyzyeh Madrasa of QomImam Khomeini's homeCasa di Molla SadraJame'h Mosque of QomHistoric house Yazdan PanahCaravanserai Deyr GachinCaravanserai in green brick Pol DallakMohammad Abad stone caravanseraiHoz Soltan BridgeVideoTo share Uncategorized