Inscription Museum

Garden of the inscriptions museum

The inscription museum garden is a permanent exhibition of rock inscriptions in the east wing of the Niāvarān historical-cultural complex where a collection of the written heritage of the country stands out in the form of 43 1A1 scale models of rock epigraphs dating back to the period historian of the Medes in the writing and the Urartian languages, Neo-Aramaic Assyrian and Aramaic belonging to the areas of Ahar and Sarāb, the historical period of the Parthians and the Sassanids in ancient Persian, Akkadian, Elamite, and Aramaic until the end of the Sasanian period and writing skekashte pahlavi.

Among these inscriptions one can remember those of Shāpur and Ardeshir in Naqshe Rostam, the inscription of Shapur I in Naqshe Rajab, that of Kartir in Naqshe Rajab etc.

To visit the original ones it is necessary to travel to different areas and cities and places that are difficult to reach, but in the garden of the museum of inscriptions it is possible to get to know the fascinating world of these inscriptions closely and easily.

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