Mazhin Strait

Mazhin Strait

The Mazhin Strait is located in the area of ​​the same name near the town of Dareh Shahr (Ilām region). In this strait there are cells and fissures and one of them is known as the "Kul Kani" cave. The opening of this cave at the entrance measures 30 meters in length and, considering its position, access to it without the necessary equipment is not possible.

Inside and around it no finds from the stone age have been found, while in the place where the water falls there is a small pond carved out of stone whose mortar is probably a mix of clay and limestone. Around it no traces have been found that prove its antiquity but it is probably related to the Sassanid city out of the strait.

In this place there are also 12 cells and in some there are obvious signs of human presence. The most interesting cells include three slits next to each other and one above them which is known as "Anushirvan cave".

In the excavations of one of these caves a piece of terracotta of the type of those of the mid-first millennium BC was found; in this regard among the people of the place this story is known: Anushirvan at the moment of dying had made a testament that his body was buried far from the enemies, therefore his companions after a thorough washing, had found this place and had buried him here.

The ancient city of Māzhin (Seymareh) is located at the front of the strait and still the walls of the buildings of the ancient city are standing; these are walls built with remains of stones and plaster mortar and considering the appearance of the buildings, the materials used and the terracottas scattered in the surrounding area and inside the houses of the city, it is conceivable that this place constitutes the remains of a city of the Sasanian era.

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