Shahr-i Sokhta (Shahr-e Sukhteh)
Shahr-e Sukhte ( Shahr-i Sokhta) is located at 57 km west of the road that leads from Zabol to Zahedan. For the reason of the vastness and the particular conditions of the site, the archaeological area of Shahr-e Sukhte has been simultaneously object of study of many researchers. Preliminary excavation operations began in the 1960 for the merit of the Italian archaeological group. In the 1967, this institute, in collaboration with the Directorate General of Archeology and Popular Culture at the time, began to dig into this complex of hills and the results of their research were published in a dozen specialized books and articles. In the current era, thanks to the efforts of the Organization of Cultural Heritage of the country, many Iranian archaeologists are continuing the excavation work and their extensive research. The quality and quantity of the finds discovered in the archaeological area of Shahr-e Sukhte, over the last few years, show that this site from the Bronze Age is the most important sociological, political, economic, commercial, artisan, administrative and of the III and II millennium C. throughout the Middle East area. An effigy of bronze and the famous ocular prosthesis are among the valuables discovered during the excavations of the Shahr-e Sukhte hills that estimate its age to be around 4800 years ago.