The dawn of Islam
The dawn of Islam
Original title: بامداد اسلام
Author: Abdul Hussein Zarinkoob
Preface: Abdul Hussein Zarinkoob
Original language: Persian
Translator: Somaya Aouichaoui
Publisher: Il Cerchio
Year of publication: 2020
Number of pages: 159
ISBN: 78888475835

Although Islam is the second religion in the world by number of practitioners (after Christianity), in Europe its history is still little and badly known, giving rise to misunderstandings and impulses to the "clash of civilizations". This essay, written by the author in memory of a brother who died at a young age, tells the story of the early decades of Islam in a clear and simple way, from the birth of the Prophet Muḥammad to the crisis of the Arab Umayyad dynasty (570 AD - 750 AD. ).

Two crucial centuries for the history not only of the Middle East, but of Mediterranean Europe and all of Asia.

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