17th International Festival of Cultural Research

The call for the 17th International Festival of Cultural Research.

The call for the 17th International Festival of Cultural Research has been published by the Institute for Research on Culture, Art and Communication.

According to the announcement of the secretariat of the 17th International Festival of Cultural Research, the call for the 17th International Festival of Cultural Research has been published in order to accept research works in three areas – culture, art and communication – and to present the best cultural research works.

On the basis of this call, scientific and research centres, national and international researchers and experts are invited to send to the permanent secretariat of the festival, by 7 October 2024, any research they have conducted in one of the areas of the call in the period between September 2023 and September 2024 (for the international section) and between August 2023 and August 2024 (for the national section).

Research works should be in the form of research projects, master's theses, doctoral theses, books (based on research projects), scientific research articles and policy reports. Works that analyze problems, are applicable and include solutions have priority.

The areas of this call are:

  • Culture (general culture, cultural history, cultural rights, cultural theories, cultural situation and issues of contemporary Iran, Islamic-Iranian lifestyle, fields of culture (books and reading, etc.), cultural diplomacy, cultural communication, etc.),
  • Media and Communication (media studies, virtual space governance, fame and fandom culture, cognitive and media warfare, children and adolescents' media consumption, Internet platform policy research, home entertainment network, etc.)
  • New technologies and studies on the cultural future (startups and culture, knowledge-based cultural enterprises, artificial intelligence and culture, creative cultural industries, cultural marketing, metaverse, global cultural changes, cultural potential of Expo, etc.)
  • Art (philosophy and sociology of art, traditional and Islamic arts, history and stylistics of art, economics and art market, art education, art management and organizations, literary research and Persian language, art and literature of revolution and resistance, Islamic-Iranian architecture and urban planning, cinema and performing arts, music, art diplomacy, etc.)
  • Religious and Islamic Research (Quranic and Nahj al-Balagha studies, history of Islam and Shi'ism, history and life of the Ahl al-Bayt, studies on the new Islamic civilization, mysticism and Sufism, studies on the Arbaeen, studies on jurisprudence (art and communication), studies on the Islamic world, studies on pilgrimage, research on rites, ceremonies and religious institutions, studies on vows and donations, studies on mosques, etc.)

How to submit your works: Researchers and interested parties must register their work on the festival website at https://ifcr.ir and upload the file to this system. Also, if the file of the work is not available, they can send two copies to the festival secretariat. The closing ceremony of the 17th festival will be held in conjunction with the Research Week in December 2024, along with the presentation of the best works.

The winners of this festival will be awarded a certificate of merit and a cash prize. It should be noted that in the sixteenth edition of the festival (2023), in the national section, each winner was awarded 150 million tomans and those worthy of mention 50 million tomans, while in the international section, each winner was awarded 2000 dollars and those worthy of mention 1000 dollars.


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